The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.


Things I Do Not Support


The list maker in me is rising up big time lately. I've been making mental lists, real lists, wish lists, and crossing things off of lists; most of which has been move related. Then I ran across a blog post wherein the author made a list of things he can't support and I decided to join him in the fun. Here goes:

1) Farmtown, Farmville, Yoville, and Mafia Wars. I don't give a hoot about real farms, I sure as heck don't want to virtually milk a cow, weed a garden, or harvest anything. Ew.

2) Infomercials. Drew forced me to stand in his room long enough recently to watch the SlapChop guy. I admit to laughing my butt off when the dude said "you're gonna love my nuts". I might even have peed myself a little.

3) Skinny jeans. I will say it again: NOBODY looks good in those. Not the fat chicks, not the skinny girls, and not the emo boys. NO. BODY. I maintain my position that they should be expunged from the fashion world.

4) Any candy that's green or yellow in color or flavor type. IE: green apple, lime, and lemon. They never taste good. If it's not red or pink, I'll pass.

5) Adults who are too lazy to learn fifth grade grammar and spelling. Especially when they want to be taken seriously for their knowledge and wisdom.

6) Texting while driving.

7) Cliques. Especially within a church.

8) Crocs shoes.

9) Mantyhose.

10) Animals dressed as humans.

11) Snakes. It's unnatural for them to be able to swim, climb trees, and move fast. People who don't have arms and legs can't do any of those things, therefore snakes should have to ride around in wheelchairs.

12) Blog templates/layouts that make the post really narrow and leaves a lot of blank space on each side. This is especially annoying when the author is long winded. I start feeling like I've fallen into a bottomless blog pit. Part of the reason I have this layout is because it was the widest one I could find. Also, I like that the red couch has a therapeutic feel to it, and I love the girl's socks.

13) Scary movies.

14) Men who won't work.

15) Women who demand to be treated like queens yet behave like spoiled children.

16) Miscarriages of justice.

17) Drivers who park in the handicapped spot when they're not transporting the handicapped person for whom the sticker is issued. The driver needs the exercise and a handicapped person could use the space.

18) Any clothing with patches on the elbows.

19) Country decor, country clothing (think: quilted vests), and most country music

20) Parents who threaten their children with things they'll never deliver. ("If you don't come with me right now, I'm going to leave you here in Wal-Mart".) Those parents need to be spanked.

Since this blog is way more fun when you share your thoughts, please...feel free to jump in and add your two cents worth (which, with inflation, is only worth 1.3 cents). What things do you not support?


Mama Lirpa said...

I don't have any ideas of what I don't support, but you might have to spank me b/c I've been guilty of threatening to leave my kids in Wal-Mart...LOL.

Anonymous said...

I don't have anything I don't support right off the top of my head, but at times I am guilty of the lack of proper grammar in most settings. when it's time to be on, i'm on...people will get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Eva, thanks for visiting my blog! Best wishes to you as you figure out how to make blogging work for you. Love this list, and by that I mean I also dislike most of the things you list. #2 was awesome. I was glad I don't have DVR so I wouldn't miss that gem!

Kim said...

men in capris and I agree with your #1.... I do not play those silly games on Facebook and I hate it when people send me pigs or cows for my farm and I do not wish to join their Mafia Wars. Love the blog Eva!!!! : )

Nicole said...

When my friends move to other countries....or anywhere for that matter....and... people with closed minds. two things i dont like....

Chris said...

I'm with you on 20...I actually think bad parenting is one of the root issues facing our country.

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