The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.


Comparison shopping


Comparing yourself to others is a dangerous thing to do. No matter how smart, creative, talented, funny, or fit you are, there will always be someone who is smarter, funnier, skinnier, more creative, and more talented than you. If you're trying to be as good as he/she is, there are two reasons why you'll likely be disappointed. For starters, that other person is not the standard-bearer. And for seconds, you're not in competition with anyone. You're an original; don't live your life as a carbon copy. If you've sung your best note, studied faithfully, given your all, and maxed out your abilities, then that's all you can do and you need to be at peace with it.

But if you're not being the best you you can be, direct your energy into that. There's always room to improve in the areas of mercy, judgment, patience, forgiveness, love, kindness, tenderness, and self-control. But there is a limit on your talent and genius meters. So if you're feeling less than because of a peer who is better, seek a paradigm shift.


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