The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.


Understanding the Past


Rhody gets more precious every day. He knows my voice when I talk to him and likes to snuggle on my chest while I pat his back. And I'm pretty sure I'm the queen of getting babies to burp because he does it every time I hold him. LOL

As I hold Rhody and smooch him, I am reminded of how my grandfather used to tell me at the beginning of my visits with him and my grandmother that they needed "hundreds and hundreds" of kisses from me while I was at their house or they were at mine. I distinctly remember one visit when I promised my Papa 100 kisses per hour. And at the top of every hour, I'd go find him and give him a hundred kisses. It made me feel so special. It was no surprise that he wanted kisses from my boys when they came along.

When they were tiny babies, Papa used to hold them and kiss all over their little faces. Then he'd pull them away from him so he could look at them, and he'd say the Hungarian equivalent of "oh, my gosh!" in his thick accented voice and then kiss them all over again. I now understand Papa's sentiments because when I'm holding little Rhody the urge to smooch that precious baby is simply irresistible. And I soo understand why he needed so many kisses because I need so many Rhody smooches before I go back home.

Peace out.
