The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.


Why I write


I've recently gotten back in touch with my friend Shelia from high school. I haven't seen her in over 20 years and we've been playing catch up. She read a few of my blog posts and asked if I liked to write when we were in high school. I told her the only thing I liked about high school was the boys. Yeah, the desire to write definitely came a little later in life. Ha ha

I've discovered that I tend to write out of 2 things: passion and boredom. For the most part, I write for me. It's therapeutic. I enjoy looking back over things I've written and comparing where I was then to where I am currently. It's interesting to see how I've changed and grown. It's really funny to me to read things I've written and read how intense my feelings were at the time and see how they've sometimes changed.

Sometimes I share what write because I want feedback. And I'm not just talking about feedback from people who only agree with my point of view or opinions; I really enjoy hearing other people's thoughts and points of view. Well, until the person doesn't know when enough is enough or it seems they're only trying to persuade me to think just like they do. Then it stops being challenging and fun and becomes annoying. I'm just sayin'. :)

Obviously, I also write in part because I think I have something to share. I think we all think that about ourselves, at least a little bit, don't we? And this is where my passion comes in: I specifically write because my desire is: 1) to communicate to people--all people--they have immense value; 2) convey that their unique contribution to life on planet Earth cannot be duplicated by another; and 3) to encourage people to examine their deeply held beliefs for the purpose of moving forward with the healthy, balanced, truthful beliefs; and to have the courage to confront and be willing to change the false beliefs that prevent you from moving forward.

What about you: why do you do what you do?


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