The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.


A wag, a lick, and a nibble


These are the three things I can count on when I go to pet Zoe.

Her wag greets me, her licks practically wash my whole face if I don't bob or weave in time, and her nibbles tell me she's ready to play. And sometimes her nibbles are those little tiny bites that are meant to be playful but are stronger than she realizes. We call those kind "mafia love".

She charged into the house a while ago, stopped to bark when she found us, then ran back out at top speed with her head low and ears lying flat. At first we laughed but then I wondered if she was trying to tell us something. She was. She came in a second time to get us but Moose was already on his way out the door. The dog across the street had come to our side of the road and was in the neighbors driveway. And evidently, this required that we be notified.

Who needs motion lights, an alarm system or firearms when you've got Zoe the wonder dog on duty? :)


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