The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.

It all started when I asked Mrs. Pruett (my high school Vocational Office Ed teacher) if I could turn in all my shorthand lessons at once...which was, of course, the end of the quarter. She agreed but followed up her "yes" with the now famous (to me, anyway) motto "It's easier to keep up than catch up." Since I learn very few things the first go-around (and sometimes not after the 2nd, 3rd or even 17th), Mrs. Pruett had ample opportunity to drill that amazing piece of wisdom into my thick skull. I think she said it to me about a hundred times.

Mrs. Pruett only said that to me in reference to keeping up with my shorthand lessons, but it applies to other things in life, particularly cleaning a house, doing paperwork, and balancing a checkbook. And even though it took me long enough to grasp the concept (about 6 or 7 years AFTER graduation), I'm rockin' it for the most part.

Dishes are done every day (I hate waking up to a messy kitchen), laundry's done throughout the week (putting Mrs. Pruett's principle into practice, I do a load every other day or so), and I deeper clean on Fridays, leaving me free for whatever comes up during the weekend. All the laundry's washed and put away, floors are swept (sometimes I even mop!), and all our junk, er, I mean treasures get dusted. Dusting and floors don't fall in the 'keep up vs. catching up category because it takes the same amount of time to do them regardless of how dirty they are. One of these days though, I'm going to hire a maid and cleaning baseboards will be on her to-do list because I can think of more fun ways to spend my writing, for instance.

However (this is the part where I'm not rockin' it so much), we moved back to middle Georgia five years ago and bought this house a year later. And the Moose Group has never lived in a house longer than 3 years at a time. I know some of you are probably thinking about how weird it is to move so often. But I'm here to tell you how helpful it is. I'm not a packrat and clutter stresses me out. Moving every couple of years means I get rid of stuff we haven't used that's gotten trapped in the bottom, top, or back of a closet, shelf, basket, box, nook or cranny. But not moving on our seemingly-regular-3-year-schedule presents me with the task of decluttering for the sole purpose of decluttering (and maintaining what sanity I have left after home schooling two rowdy boys for the first 12 years of their education), rather than decluttering to make an upcoming move more streamlined and flowing smoothly.

So starting next week, I will be making myself a list of ALL the areas that need to be tackled here at the Moose Lodge (Ranch?) and choosing their order of priority. And the week after that will begin what I'm affectionately calling "The-it's-been-4-years-so-it's-time-to-dejunk-already!-Project-of-2009." With Moose having 20 years in the Air Force already, I suppose it's unrealistic of me to continue using the AF as my "purging-with-a-purpose" crutch.

I'm pretty sure I'll clean off my desk before I start making my list. I find it more motivating to work on a clean surface. I know, cleaning the desk IS the beginning of the list, but what can I say? It's a sickness. Anyway, if you don't hear from me by say, Wednesday of next week, do you mind giving the Coast Guard a call? I hear they're able to help in all kinds of crazy situations. Thanks. :)

What about you; what's the longest you've lived in a house? Share your story with me. I love stories.

Peace out.


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