The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.


Food for Thought


I was reading some articles about motivation and exercise, and ran across this quote. 

A fundamentally independent thinker understands that nothing makes a person upset, angry, or depressed; rather, what a person thinks about things determines how they feel. As Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” There is no motivation without this important “inner game.”

This really hit home for me because I had a conversation with someone recently in which I was verbally attacked. I got offended--my emotions took off and I got on board. And it affected me too much for too long. I let that person's words dictate my mood and attitude for several days. I don't like that about myself, and I've been working on it, but this quote was the kick I needed to put that incident in a more appropriate place--like, moving it from the windshield of my life to the rearview mirror.

I'm going to rethink the way I think about things, especially in situations like this one. Some things in life aren't avoidable, but how we respond to them is optional.



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