The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.

Today's post is part of a community blog carnival. If you'd like to post an entry, link your post back to Bridget's site by clicking here.

Where does joy come from? Is it something you stumble across when wandering aimlessly or can you plug its address into your gps and go find its locale? Is there a Joy Jackpot that some lucky people manage to hit? Does it come and go like a shooting star, suddenly and without any warning?

I think joy is intentional. I also think it's related to peace, as well as happiness.

Joy is intentional. 
There are a million reasons to become upset, hurt, angry, bitter, and depressed in life. People will spitefully use you, maliciously hurt you, take advantage of you, and sometimes even blame you for their own self-destruction. Money won't always be your BFF; neither will your health. And possibly not even a job.

But you can intentionally seek reasons to be joyful.

Christians are supposed to have a hope in Christ, but I know some atheist, agnostic, and humanist friends who are more hopeful during trying times than some of the Christians I know. And we all know someone who is negative about everything, no matter what's going on in his life. You know who I'm talking about: the person you're afraid to ask how things are going because you know he's actually going to tell you. I know a woman who is so negative, that on the occasions when I bump into her, I walk away feeling verbally assaulted with all of her negativity and dissatisfaction with everything around her. And to make it worse, she's a topper. So if she's having it bad, her bad is worse than any bad anyone else has ever had. And her great times are superior to everyone else's as well, although they're few and far in between. It's hard for me to be any kind of friend to this gal because it doesn't seem like she wants to be happy, and I'm a fixer by nature.

Joy is related to peace.
Intentionally looking for reasons to be joyful often brings me around to re-examining my core beliefs and ultimately, I find peace.

I am an eternally optimist person. One of my deeply held beliefs is that things work out well in the end. When things aren't looking good, I'm convinced it's not the end. I'm still sitting in my seat, waiting for the fat lady to sing.

I've navigated my fair share of life's hardships. And I can honestly tell you that through all of them, I have believed that some how, some way, at some point, things will make sense and they'll work out for the best. Now, that 'best' isn't always what I thought was best, but I've always been able to look back on a situation or season after it was over and see that what it ended up looking like was indeed, for the best. Including the two-month marriage to my physically abusive ex-husband, as well as the ensuing two years it took me to legally get him out of my life. It was a pretty rough season in my life, but when I look back on that tumultuous time, I can definitively say I never felt alone. And that's a peace that brings joy.

Joy is related to happiness.
It's hard to stay cranky and bitter when you trust the One who says He loves you and has you in the palm of His hand. I personally believe God loves us simply because we exist. After all, that's why I love my kids. My love for them never hinges on their behavior and I expect God is the same. When I find that I'm having a pretty easy time gettin my grumpy on, it's usually because I'm not confident that God is still on the throne. Thinking I'm here alone feeling lost and abandoned makes me do crazy, desperate things. But stopping to catch my breath, and remembering the things I've already experienced relating to God's character, usually brings the proverbial cold water splash to the face that snaps me back to a reality of confident knowledge. And that leads to happiness because I am able to intentionally find some joy in life.

Let's take off that Garment of Grumpiness and go find some joy. Cause our Daddy loves us like no other and despite how we might "feel", that actually means something. And let's not trust our emotions all the time; they have a tendency to take off and when they do, we don't want to be on board.



Joyce said...

I knew somewhere today I'd end up singing that song : )

I's intentional...when we seek joy we find joy...and peace follows.

Louise Gallagher said...

Great post -- Joy, like happiness, seeing the light side, looking for the bright side, is always a choice.

so glad to choose joy with you today!

CFloyd said...

Amen! HATE that Garment of Grumpiness. Gotta keep more Garments of Praise clean in my emotional closet. :)

Glynn said...

Intentionally looking for reasons to be joyful -- and I think we'll find them. Good post.

Russell Holloway said...

At some point things will come together and make sense ... great post ... :-)

Anonymous said...

Great post, Eva.

I love this...

My love for them never hinges on their behavior and I expect God is the same.

Amen to that!

Tricia said...

that song...
When I was a kid I thought it said, "I've got joy in my heart... Tuesday" and I always wondered why we sang it on Sunday... Remembering that made me smile. :)

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