The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.

In Breakaway 1, I told you I’d share 4 truths that would revolutionize your thinking about decisions. Here it is; simple, yet threatening at the same time:

“God knows what’s best for you better than you know what’s best for you.”

Yeah, I know, mind boggling, huh? Not exactly.

Many people, when asked, would agree that God does indeed know what’s best for us better than we do. But are we living as if that were a core belief? I don’t think so, at least not as much as we’d like.

I remember when I made a decision that seemed best at the time, only to figure out later it was the wrong one. And other times in my life, I can think of when I wanted something to go a certain way and when it didn’t I was upset. It wasn’t long before I realized that it was better that things worked out the way they did.

If we all lived as if we believed God knew what was best for us, we’d worry less. We’d stress less. We’d fear less. And sometimes we don’t live that way because we don’t really trust Him.

Think about the last time you sat on a chair. You know, like when you sat down to check your email. God tells us to trust in Him with all our heart and not to lean on our own understanding. God wants us to trust Him the way we trust the chair is gonna hold us up when we get ready to sit in it. No scientific equations, no math, no testing or a ‘prove it to me and then I’ll believe it’ll hold me’ attitude. Just a belief that when you sat, you wouldn’t fall.

Our motivation is happiness. And since experience has already taught us that we don’t always know what makes us happy, why not rest on God? The Bible says the heart is deceitfully wicked, and because of that, we should trust God with ours.

If we don’t resolve the issue in our minds of God knowing better than we do, our outcomes will never be what they could be.


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