I'm part of a small group that meets regularly to discuss questions we have about all things religion. It's called (originally enough) "Q & A". Sometimes the questions that are brought up are really out there. Way out there. We don't always end with hard and fast answers (or any answers, for that matter), but the conversations are often lively and thought-provoking.
I'm typically a very results oriented person and this group isn't always about "getting" anywhere per se. Because of that, I don't think I would've enjoyed going to this group a few years ago. But I like it. A lot. Sometimes I have strong opinions or beliefs about the topics brought up; other times I don't. But what I like best about the group is the honesty and transparency. It's a refreshing break from the 'spiritual resume comparisons' I'm used to seeing when groups meet. And it takes guts to share some of the feelings, questions, doubts and beliefs about the topics that come up. Sometimes it's like "uh...did s/he just say that out loud?". The only rule regarding the group is that you must suspend judgment while listening to others talk. And we talk about everything. nothing's off limits.
While I don't always agree with the opinions expressed, it's good for me to listen to other views. It makes me examine why I believe the way I do (or don't) and gives me the opportunity to look at things from another angle. I want to dig deeper into the Bible, and I'm more interested in its history and the back-stories than ever before.
I recently came across this: Ecclesiastes 7:18 "It's best to stay in touch with both sides of an issue. A person who fears God deals responsibly with all of reality, not just a piece of it."
Great group. I hope to find or start something like it in Germany.
When are you guys leaving?
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Oh, yeah! I love me some comments!