The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.


ice, ice, baby


The weather over the past few days has been almost perfect here in middle Georgia. I've been going outside in the afternoons to sit by the pool and enjoy my sanctuary before it's time to cover it.

I was sitting there reading but the sounds around me were so distracting, I couldn't concentrate on my book. I put it down, leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. I sat there for several minutes listening to the birds, basking in the sunshine, and thinking how warm and wonderful it felt on my skin. I found myself talking to God and telling Him how nice it was and that my skin seemed to tingle almost in an effort to somehow soak up more rays from the sun. And I started listing some of the things God made that I'm thankful for (sunshine, water, wind and snow) when I suddenly found myself saying 'and thanks for ice'. Huh? That's right, ice. As in the kind you get in your cup at Sonic. I'm pretty sure that's significant or symbolic of something. Probably something weird.

So, how was your day? Anything weird going on in your prayer life? :-)


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