You knew a counterpart to the Things I Do Not Support post was coming, didn't you? Of course you did; you've
probably stopped by here every other day checking to see if I had posted it
yet. LOL In no particular order, here's a partial list of things I support:
1. Taking the high road when faced
with a sticky situation in a relationship. I know it's not easy to do this but I've
watched a few people do it and I admire them greatly.
2. Dogs. They're awesome.
3. Babies. They're even more awesome than dogs. I like to snuggle them, hear them laugh, and I think baby feet and hands are freakin' adorable.
4. Red candy. It's hard to mess up candy that's flavored after something red, whether it's cherry, strawberry, watermelon, or whatever.
6. Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Especially the New York Super Fudge Chunk flavor.
7. Kids. Their curious and simplistic view of the world can stop you dead in your tracks when they make a matter-of-fact announcement about something they've observed that you never even thought they noticed, much less processed and figured out.
8. Sitting outside by a fire on a really cold night with friends.
Laughing so hard whatever you're drinking comes out your nose. Or until you
cry. Either way, you know it was funny.
Playing cards or board games with friends. And making sure the people you love
know you love them.
Standing in Life Point Church singing along with the band, feeling the presence
of God permeate your entire being.
Sitting in Life Point Church hearing about God's incredible love for people and being excited about leaving so you can go share that love with
the world.
Mountains. Especially the snow covered variety. My favorites are the ones in
Alaska. They're a breathtaking display of God's majesty and power. I know other
stuff is, too, but they are my favorite.
Listening to loud, head-banging music while driving fast on a deserted road. Oh, yeah...I love this.
Dancing. Specifically doing the Hokey Pokey, Limbo, and Electric Slide with
your friends at your New Year's Eve party.
Hockey. The speed, the cool air, the's awesome. I was going to add
football to this list, but you already know how
I feel about football. Ditto for Starbucks.
20. Staying in bed on a rainy
morning, snuggling under the covers with the amazing and incomparable Moose.
Yeah, that rocks. Of course, doing pretty much everything with Moose rocks. Even
the dreaded grocery shopping.
things do you support?
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