If you're one of those people who doesn't like talking (or reading) about *ahem* 'body parts', it's probably a good idea for you to skip this post and stop by some other day. You may have heard about the NFL players who have been wearing pink shoes and gloves during the games in support of October being breast cancer awareness month. Well, I couldn't help but wonder why there isn't a 'check-your-nuts' awareness month. I did some research and it turns out there is. Sort of.
The Get A Grip! campaign is one week long in April. I'm not sure what's up with testicles getting a week of awareness while breasts get a whole month (unless it has to do with their general size differences), but I digress. Did you know that testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men ages 12-50 and it out paces breast cancer deaths by women in the same 13-34 age group? Neither did I. This is important information that needs to be passed on!
Since a time of awareness has been instituted though, why don't women wear some type of blue item(s) to show our support? Cuz, you know, tit for tat and all that. Oh! That wasn't intentional but since I stumbled upon it, it's staying in this post! *This is part of the 'twisted sense of humor' I've told you I have.
Now, back to wearing blue for that week...there should be a blue dye exclusively created for the items. And I've narrowed my ideas down to three items that are key to a woman's life. In no particular order:
- a single strand of pearls--earrings coming soon (because you know how we love jewelry and accessorizing)
- temporary spray to paint a streak in our hair (this would, of course, provide excellent coverage for color-resistant gray--cuz I need that) and finally,
- a purse (supportive and practical since some women carry their husband's...never mind).
Peace out, people. And whether you're a guy or gal, don't forget to check your stuff. Your life could depend on it.
I wonder if the reverse ignorance is similar to heart attacks/desease but in reverse? Like men are usually associated with the statistics of heart issues, but actually among women heart problems are just as high or way up there? We all need to get on the ball and take heart about these issues, and not hold them so close to the breast...
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