The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.

Moose recently pointed out something about me I was unaware of:  I have special food requirements for specific activities. I'm not talking about having turkey at Thanksgiving or ham at Christmas; honestly, I could take either one at either holiday or during the year. I have no preference whatsoever. But a road trip just isn't right without Cheetos Puffs to go with my Diet Coke. I rarely buy Cheetos Puffs for the house, but I never go on a road trip without stopping at a gas station to buy a 99 cent bag of those crunchy, air-filled treats that leave my fingers covered in orange residue.

And last night I discovered I have a special food for Skype: popcorn.

There's no point to this post other than to share that weird tidbit with you. You may now resume your regularly scheduled life, already in progress.


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