OK, not really. But it did make me want to say bad words and single-handedly destroy a self check-out machine.
It seemed that nearly every item I swiped across the glass didn't register its weight when I put it in the bag on the stand. And the machine kept stopping its price-calculating work to flash the little button at me that says "I don't want to bag this item", and it wouldn't allow me to do anything else until after I clicked on said button, forcing me to lie to the self check-out machine and say I wasn't bagging the item, when in fact, I already had! I can't get arrested for that, can I? Don't tell the po-po, k?
While I was at Wal-Mart, I bought the Zoe dog a new toy. It was one of those ropes that was braided and knotted for chewing. Yeeahhh, within 5 minutes she had the knot undone, all braiding unbraided, and left it in a slobbered on, ripped apart, tangled up mess of string. And she couldn't have been prouder of herself.
Notice that big, fat stick in her mouth? Clearly, she has now moved on to bigger and better things.
And now that I've made my public confession and prayed over and forwarded all those stupid, I mean totally legit chain email letters I get, I've been given another chance at heaven.
Peace out, people. But if you're a little on the impatient side and want to keep peace (& go to heaven), I recommend you stay away from Wal-Mart.
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