Moose & I planted a weeping willow tree in the back yard last Friday. We had to put our dog Willow down that morning and wanted to remember her in a special way. We planted it in an open area near the house that’s easily seen from the kitchen window because that’s where she would lay on sunny days.
When Ryan was 10, he came into the living room and said he needed to talk to us. He matter of factly told us he wanted a dog. We pointed out that we already had a dog, our Yorkie, Dixie. Ryan’s response was that Dixie was an adult dog and he needed a ‘kid dog’. He defined a kid dog as one who would lick his face, sleep in his bed, pull him on his skateboard, run beside him as he rode his bike, and play in the lake with him. We rarely went to the lake, so the last requirement seemed a little out of place to us.
We had 12 fun years with Willow. She went on vacations with us and although she was afraid of water, she eventually worked up the courage to get in our pool and swim with us.
Picture: Ryan, Tasha, & Willow.

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