The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.

Happy square root day, everybody! (Get it, 3/6/09?)

Zoe and I were driving in the car today (well, I was driving, she was riding) and she was in the passenger seat looking out the windshield. I thought I noticed her head moving in a weird way but when I looked at her to see what was up, she had stopped. A few minutes later, she did it again.

It took a couple more of the weird head movements for me to figure out what was going on. She was "ducking" every time we drove under an overpass. What the heck?!

Later, she was fast asleep in the backseat when a motorcycle came up in the lane next to us. She sat bolt upright, threw her paws on the back dash and perched there, watching him for a few minutes in silence. I guess it took her that long to size him up and decide something was definitely wrong with him, so she started barking like crazy at him. As he passed us, she moved from the back seat to the front and kept barking as she watched him. I wonder what she was trying to tell him.

I'd be curious to know what Cesar Millan would say about this funny (albeit strange) behavior.


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