Tres Dias is a 3 day non-denominational Christian conference. It’s for single or married folks, and is set up so that married couples go one weekend after the other; men first. I went this past weekend; Moose the weekend before.
Attendees don’t necessarily hear something new so much as hear it in a way we’ve never heard it before. Communion is done every day, in ways I’ve never seen it being done before. It was really thought-provoking & full of power and meaning.
There are 36 attendees on a weekend, and it’s designed to help you have a fresh encounter with God. They have speakers, skits, and singing. It takes team of over 80 people to serve the needs of 36.
In the room where talks are given, you are assigned seats at tables, and each table is named after a male or female character in the Bible, depending on whose weekend it is. You sit in the same seat at the same table each day with the same group.
I was assigned the chair next to a lady named Josephine at the table of Elizabeth. Josephine is my grandmother’s name, and Elizabeth is my mom’s.
Before each meal, a song of blessing is sung, and after each, a song of thanks. Both are sung to the tune of Edelweiss. And to sing them, everyone stands up, links arms, and rocks back and forth while singing. My grandfather’s (Papa) favorite song was Edelweiss, and my mom’s side of the family is German. Linking arms while singing together has a really special memory/feeling to me.
Do I really need to tell you how strongly I felt the spirit of our family’s legacy of love all weekend long? Didn’t think so.
When Olllie (one of the speakers) told us with all sincerity and passion in his voice that our Daddy loves us so much, I was immediately taken back to all the times Papa told me he loved me and how concretely I believed him. I never, ever doubted His love for me; not even once. I always knew Papa was pleased with me, even after I married my first husband (and if anything would’ve tested parental love for me, marrying him was it). I identified as a teenager that I believed God loved me the way my dad loved me…distantly and non-emotionally, but I soon came to realize that belief wasn’t true. But this weekend I wondered why as a little girl I would choose to associate a distant, non-emotional kind of love with God’s love for me rather than a real, never-changing, always present and passionate love for me, like Papa had always shown me. I still haven’t figured the answer to that question. I know Dad loved me in the only way he knew how, but I knew Papa loved me unconditionally and with a love that never wavered. This weekend, the connection with God’s love and Papa’s love was solidified even more strongly. I know my Mom and Mama have always loved me (never doubted that, either), but there is something really, really special about a Daddy’s love for his baby girl. And while I might be 42 years old with grown children of my own, I will always be God’s little girl, whose Daddy is always pleased with her. This fact is true whether I feel it, like it, want it, or acknowledge it.
Seeing all those women working so hard to take care of us (you’re not allowed to get anything for yourself), gave me a new love and understanding of the body of Christ. It was a weekend that exemplified God’s love and service to/for us. I’d seen it before in smaller pieces, but it was so huge this weekend, I was completely & utterly humbled.
The theme for the weekend was “His love is unending, His grace is amazing”. I heard that over and over all weekend long. If it wasn’t ingrained in my head before, it is now.
Happy square root day, everybody! (Get it, 3/6/09?)
Zoe and I were driving in the car today (well, I was driving, she was riding) and she was in the passenger seat looking out the windshield. I thought I noticed her head moving in a weird way but when I looked at her to see what was up, she had stopped. A few minutes later, she did it again.
It took a couple more of the weird head movements for me to figure out what was going on. She was "ducking" every time we drove under an overpass. What the heck?!
Later, she was fast asleep in the backseat when a motorcycle came up in the lane next to us. She sat bolt upright, threw her paws on the back dash and perched there, watching him for a few minutes in silence. I guess it took her that long to size him up and decide something was definitely wrong with him, so she started barking like crazy at him. As he passed us, she moved from the back seat to the front and kept barking as she watched him. I wonder what she was trying to tell him.
I'd be curious to know what Cesar Millan would say about this funny (albeit strange) behavior.
I woke up with the thought of coffee permeating the entire essence of my brain. Most days, on a scale of 1 to 10, I’m about a 2 or 3 with regard to desire for coffee. This morning I was a big, ol’, fat 15. I honestly thought (for a few minutes) I was going to break my coffee fast. I don’t need to spend the money, don’t need the calories, and don’t need the sugar. But I wanted it.
I found out last night at dinner that Catholics partake (on the Sabbath only) in whatever it is they gave up for lent. And this morning I wanted to be Catholic. Real bad. But as much as I wanted coffee, I want this Easter season to be more more.
I’m still thinking about how I want to mark this Easter and the ending of Lent. I have an idea but I’m going to keep thinking it over and share it with you later. But I will tell you that this idea involves special shoes and, of course, coffee.

my never-ending battle
My 411
- Eva M.
- After struggling to fit into the proverbial round hole, I figured it was more honest to embrace the natural facets of my personality: passion for God and people, off-the-wall logic and a twisted sense of humor.
I'm an Air Force wife and former homeschool mom who writes about people and relationships, my faith, and my family. I love my crazy, beautiful, mosaic life...and coffee.