The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.

Moose and I were walking around site-seeing this afternoon while we're in Washington, DC for a few days. When we were checking out Barack's new digs, we saw a squirrel sitting on the top of the seat back on one of the benches. Moose had the camera so I asked him to take it out and snap a picture. While he was reaching for it, the squirrel got down off the bench, scampered over to where I was standing and started climbing up my leg.
I'm not kidding!

He stopped just below my hip and stayed there. I really wanted to pet him but was concerned about being bitten, so I shook my leg thinking it'd scare him off. But of course, squirrels live in trees and they're used to the wind blowing during storms, so not only did he not get down, he just grabbed onto my jeans a little tighter. Then he focused his gaze onto the pocket of my hoodie, where I put a half-eaten bag of Fritos leftover from my dinner.

I guess he realized he had invaded my personal space because he climbed down and sat on the ground. I tossed him a Frito and he grabbed it and ran off. I guess that's all he wanted. Crazy, huh?
And it all happened so fast, Moose never had a chance to get a picture. Bummer.


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