Well, well, well, today's 5 Question Friday questions are just as diverse as last week's. I like diversity. It keeps me on my toes.
1. Take your
pick...date night, girls night out, or night out alone?
Date night with Moose or some good, ol' girl time, depending on which I've been lacking at the time. Don't get me wrong, I love my alone time. If I don't get enough, I get really twitchy; but going out for a night alone just seems weird.
2. Can you touch your
nose with your tongue? Why would I want to; who wants a wet nose? I do flip my tongue around in my mouth freakishly fast though, and I can tie a cherry stem in a knot using just my tongue, but I have yet to discover when either of those skills would be necessary or useful. Nope, nothing McGyver or Jason Bourne-like in this body. Stupid, useless non-life-saving, non-terrorist-thwarting tongue skills.
3. What is your
favorite flower and why? Tulips...they're unique, beautiful, come in a rainbow of colors, have perfect posture, and cannot be taken for granted because their 'bloom time' window is a small one.
4. If you could go
back in time, what advice would you give yourself?
1) Always trust your gut and don't give in to pressure; not even from people who love you.
2) Be very choosy about who gets your emotions and your time...those people influence you more than you realize.
3) Never take your husband for granted or put him on the back burner.
4) Enjoy your kid while he's little; play more, lecture less. Make sure he knows you love him no matter what.
5) Take care of your body. Be your own health care advocate.
5. If you won the
lottery, what is the very first thing you would do? So many things come to mind, like, pee my pants, scream and jump for joy, call my Mom, go pick up the check, etc. But after that stuff's all said and done and the money is in the bank, what I'd actually do is write checks to the schools my boys want to go to and get them set up for that.
And I know you want to know what else I'd do with the money, so I'll go ahead and tell you the next few things on my mental 'lottery money' list. I'd write checks to a few charities, set up secure accounts for our future, the kids and other family members, and plan a couple of big trips...one for Moose and me to the private island we've dreamed about visiting for several years now, and one to take the whole family on a nice cruise. And then I'd get my boobs lifted. 'Cause I'd want the girls to look extra nice for that private island trip. Don't judge me; I'm just keepin' it real.
Happy Friday! :D