The Square Peg

Embracing the mojo because cutting
corners seemed counter-productive.

A friend told me recently that she'd never watch another movie featuring Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie because Brad cheated on Jennifer Aniston and Angie broke up Brad and Jen's marriage. My friend said she has a serious dislike for homewreckers.
When another friend updated her facebook status to say that she was 'glad the pedophile was gone' when Michael Jackson died, numerous friends posted comments; some in agreement, others who insisted MJ's talent be separated from his personal life. Is a person his talent, or is a person his character? Should people only be defined one way?
I'm curious to hear from you. Would you share your feelings about this? Do you separate a person's talent from their character? Would you vote for a politician knowing he was immoral if his policies directly affected whether your job was kept or done away with? Would you quit supporting your favorite basketball team with your game attendance if one of the players was abusing his wife? Why do you believe the way you do and how did you come to your conclusion?


Stealing Third


Are you trying to steal third base because you're afraid if you don't you'll never make it to home plate? Are you worried you'll be stuck in the outfield forever? You're not alone. But being unwilling to wait can be dangerous.

What you're doing in God isn't based on what comes next. If you fear someone's going to be dishonest with you, don't cheat him first. God requires more from those He's going to do more in.

Have you really been touched by God, or just by the atmosphere?

Be wary of the synthetic plan of man. Promotion comes from God.

Proteges want what you learn.
Parasites want what you earn.

Which are you in the lives of others?


QotD: Women


Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
Proverbs 11:22


7 points to ponder


Minister to many, fellowship with few.

When words and actions don't mesh, listen to the behavior. The old adage is true.


Never let anyone know more about you than you're sure you can trust him/her with.

If a someone you know did something sneaky and underhanded to another person, why would you expect to be treated any differently?
Don't believe your own hype. And be very careful about accepting accolades from those whose motives are unknown.
Emotions are the #1 enemy; learn to manage them. Real maturity isn't possible until you learn to live beyond your feelings.
If there's a wall between you and another person, the one who moves first is the one who is strongest. Swallowing pride is easier than living in bondage.
